Sunday, June 23, 2013

nesting in the green mountains

The yurt is starting to feel like home again. Bryan spent yesterday building [tall] furniture, including a kitchen counter and a "wardrobe" for my clothes. As the sun was setting last night, we got the rug down and the transformation from shelter to home was complete.

In the past few days the following things have taken place:

We started our duties as the all important Moosalamoo National Forest Campground Hosts. It sure is hard work. Basically we greet people, clean out any campsites that slobs mess up, and radio in to headquarters once a day. It's pretty epic and I had to listen to Bryan do it 3 times before I was brave enough to do it myself. The main ranger, Dave, is really nice and stayed to bullshit with us for at least a half hour, so I'm sure we'll be fast friends any day. He brought us these Forest Service Volunteer hats:
Klue is pissed because we didn't accept the volunteer vests they offered us. She wanted one and was denied. 
One of the cops, Ruth popped in a couple times and she's friendly too.

We got our first rainstorm yesterday afternoon and it rained hard all night. We fell asleep to rain on the yurt roof, which is a pretty damn nice way to bring sleep in. We woke this morning to a wet floor because the yurt dome leaked. I guess the roof cover didn't end up in the exact correct place, so we'll have to do a little fixing on that. It's also ridiculously humid and we're in the shade, so everything feels really moist. Yuck.

We had stellar breakfast, and you know how we love breakfast food, at Rosie's in Middlebury. We popped in at the legendary Ripton Country Store, which has just about everything a country store ought to.

We got supplies and groceries in Middlebury and checked out the main campus.

We headed to Bread Loaf and took in the picturesque campus where I'll be doing my studies. I'm so glad we came buy and had the chance to see it sans people. The massive, old, mostly yellow buildings that are so iconically Bread Loaf were lovely in their silence and we got to take some pictures before the 250 students start rolling in tomorrow.


  1. Oh my~ How beautiful is this? Now, I remember the photos as Ting Ting has done writing retreats there since we all lived in Rochester, MN. I can't wait to see it...

  2. I am in the same boat with K-dog. I really wish i had one of those hats, or at least a vest. How awesome would she and i look in vests.
