Tuesday, August 6, 2013

it's a small world after all and HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, KATIE KRALL!

Good news from Michigan! Yesterday was yurt takedown day and I got to arrive at the scene after class with the news that the easement would be signed by Wednesday. When I got to campus today, our realtor said the easement is signed and we can close! Thank God. Now we're back to plan A where we drop off the yurt and THEN head home to Minnesota.

As though the universe was trying to give us a sign that it was all going to work out, we got a visitor interested in our Minnesota plates during yurt takedown. He asked about the plates and explained that he was from the UP! I asked where and he said Hancock which is where we are moving! It's a town of ~7,000 people and is the sister town to Houghton which is a similar size. So he made it to Ripton, Vermont, a town of maybe 500. Strange! He was as shocked as we were when I told him we were moving to Hancock this week! Hopefully we'll see Hancock Joel around when we get there!

See you suckers (we miss you very much) on Friday!

The yurt takedown happened although not without some minor issues. Keith and Dan came up to lend a hand, but Ranger Dave hadn't brought us a ladder yet so when I arrived the walls were down but progress had stopped there.
exhibit a: stalled yurt takedown
We waited a half hour to an hour and he didn't arrive, so we started looking around and devising other plans, none of which I approved of. We settled on this setup:
Now if you didn't know it before, now you know my main squeeze is a brave man. Now, we successfully took down the rafters and during the very stressful precarious balancing of the dome ring, all of Bryan's spotters had to step away in order to pull rafters. When we successfully got the ring down, we all hooted and then Bryan fell. It went in slow motion, and I was sure he was going to have a broken something, but HE IS OKAY! Don't worry, Moms, he is okay. He bruised his wrist a little and has a sore hip, but he is okay. He told me not to blog about it, but it was an important part of the story of the takedown and the truth must be told. 

After the guys helped us fold up and pack the yurt paraphernalia we headed to campus for dinner and then to the Duennebiers for a fire. We got to meet Johnnny, Josh's brother AND witness one more night of Marty treatment. He owns the cabins they're staying at and he is literally the most generous, thoughful human being on earth. He even put his dogs away so we could have our dogs there AND offered me a water bowl for them. That's just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. Ask Kate and Josh about blueberry muffins. By the by, if you come to these parts, stay at the Robert Frost Mountain Cabins. For real. He didn't even pay me for that plug. We rolled in to Bread Loaf karaoke at Two Brothers, dropped off Keith, and stayed for maybe 10 minutes. I caught the cold Bryguy had last week and had a very miserable night in the tent and then an even more miserable morning.

On a positive note, we missed breakfast on campus and don't want to unpack to eat at the campground, so we headed in to town to eat at Rosie's and get DayQuil and NyQuil. The guy who hired Bryan was there and they caught up and he bought our breakfast. SWEET!

Last day of classes


  1. I thought maybe my eyeglasses were off...was that sunshine I saw in the photos? At Moosalomoo? No, I don't believe it. No wonder Bryan fell, it wasn't because of the rickety pseudo ladder, it was because he was BLINDED by the light..."cut loose like a deuce, Another runner in the night, blinded by the light, Mama always told me not to look in the sights of the sun, Oh, but mama that's where the fun is." (do you know who sang that?) mom

  2. THANK YOU for featuring me in your blog multiple times now, sorry I didn't get more mail to you this summer :( its been so weird. I even had some things all ready to go for you, then everything was lost in a disorganized disaster for the move. I just recently discovered my toaster, and since toast is 80% of my diet, things were grim.
