Sunday, July 7, 2013

a Frosty weekend

With Madonna still ringing in my head from last night's 80s dance, I'm up and at 'em as they say, working in the computer lab. Since I'm the only person in here, I'm working pretty hard.

Moxie tackling the largest of the very stuck trees.
The other day Dan and I met for a puppy playdate at the Robert Frost Interpretive Trails near campus. The trails weave through some pretty woods and have Frost poems in semi-appropriate places. The important thing is that the bugs are not as bad as the Moosalamoo Trail. My favorite part is the place they chose to put "The Road Not Taken" which famously ends with the lines,
and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
You're at a fork in the road when you read the poem, but the trail makes a loop and you end up exactly where you started. What a difference!

Bryan and I went back there on Friday and a bee flew up my shorts and stung me. GREAT! 

In other news, the crew met at Kate and Josh's (Kate, if you're reading this, I did it!) absolutely beautiful cabin. The owner of the Robert Frost Mountain Cabins sounds as nice as Irene (the massage therapist with the most generosity - she honestly offered to let us borrow her Jeep for the rest of our trip so I didn't have to drive Bryan to and from work. Luckily, (because they wanted him to work full-time, they had a "mutually agreed upon parting) and we don't need it). Anyway, he's building these cabins with lovely little screen porches which are an absolute must here.

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